Boston Center for the Arts

For Boston: A Year of Public Art

For Boston: A Year of Public Art

Site-specific public art is the lens through which we experience common spaces and grow as a community. In 2017, Chicago is celebrating a Year of Public Art by funding permanent and temporary works, performances, education, and gatherings to promote civic discourse through art. Here's how we think Boston can—must!—have a Year of Public Art.

inMotion: Memories of Invented Play

We sat down with Amy Archambault, the BCA’s Summer 2015 Public Art Resident, on the eve of the opening of her first interactive public art work, inMotion: Memories of Invented Play, and chatted about how she’s successfully transitioning from the unconventional artist/builder to public artist. 

Valuing the Artist's Vision First

How will artists be part of placemaking and public art in Boston? On May 6, 2015 we hosted the"Where's the Art?" panel at the Boston Center of the Arts to discuss just that. Moderated by our director Kate Gilbert, artists Cedric DouglasMegan McMillanLiz Nofziger, and Rob Trumbour spoke about the definitions of public art and what we can do to support more of it in our communities.

Everyone has a part to play – May 6 panel summary

One of our core values at Now and There is to put artists' visions first. So for Boston's ArtWeek we wanted to host a conversation with artist to talk about the definitions of public art and what we can do to support more of it in our communities.

To explore a wide spectrum of social art practices we pulled together artists Cedric Douglas,Megan McMillanLiz Nofziger and architect Rob Trumbour of Artforming. The event was held at the Boston Center for the Arts on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 from 5:30–7pm and was co-sponsored by NEFA's Fund For the Arts and the Boston Center for the Arts.