Dudley Square residents tell a collective story

Dudley Square residents tell a collective story

“I have a story to tell,” read one board. “I survived breast cancer,” declared another. “I am the whomp whoomp,” stated a third, somewhat mysteriously. All were in response to questions asked while people waited to have their portrait taken during Faces of Dudley. More about the inspiration behind this project in Kate Gilbert’s essay from Faces of Dudley, now available on Blurb.

Faces of Dudley book now available

Faces of Dudley book now available

Yesterday, we brought copies of Faces of Dudley to share with our friends at the Dudley Branch of the Boston Public Library. Copies are now available for sale on Blurb for $7.25 so everyone can remember that day when a neighborhood came together in pride. 

Beyond the Bust

Beyond the Bust

There will always be people, places and events that citizens wish to commemorate. How do we ensure that the process for choosing whom and what to memorialize is equitable? Information on the upcoming “Beyond the Bust: Defining Our Public Monuments” on May 5, 6—8pm co-presenters Big Red & Shiny including panelist information.

Measuring impact

Measuring impact

Evaluating the impact of public art is the Achilles heel of artists and public art administrators worldwide. Instinctively we know that public art is a catalyst for economic development, that it increases the appeal and safety of one’s environment, and that it delivers unexpected surprise and wonder to our shared places.  In this blog we offer three techniques for measuring impact and ask, is it even needed?