The evolution of public art

A stranger recently confided in me that they’re done with New Year's resolutions. Instead, they create evolutions—ways to grow themselves and their world.

It stuck with me. No more looking back at what didn’t work or comparing Boston’s art scene to other cities. Let’s imagine how we can evolve inspiring public art experiences, together. 

Evolution takes trust—in people and systems—and I want to take this moment to thank all those who joined us, and trusted us, in 2022. Your critical feedback and financial support demonstrated that bold public art plays a vital part in building a more vibrant and equitable Boston.

Over 106 people came forward in 2022 to support our Annual Fund Campaign. I’m pleased to share that an additional $30,000 was contributed as a Board match. We couldn’t do this work without N+T’s intrepid Board.

In 2022 we secured transformative pledges of $3.8M toward our goal of hosting an audacious Boston first: a public art Triennial. These angels will be announced next month! Their contributions build on major gifts from long-committed Now + There donors, including Accelerator Program supporters Jim and Audrey Foster, and Joyce Linde; corporate support from Boston Properties and MITIMCo; and contributors to N+T’s general operations, including the Barr Foundation, Boston Cultural Council, City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture, Klarman Foundation, Massachusetts Cultural Council, New England Foundation for the Arts, and the Wagner Foundation. Rounding out this incredible support are arts supporters like you!

From $1M donors to our $21.50 contributors, you are all part of the tribe, and we thank you.

With a new year comes new projects and an invitation to help co-create time and space for experimentation and healing as we feature women-identifying artists stewarding monumental works along Boston’s waterfront. Please consider joining us in our evolution, and that of the city, by participating in one of Now + There’s giving circles—from multi-year contributions to recurring monthly gifts.

As we work towards a Triennial, we’re expanding the critical guiding force of our Board of Directors. If you can imagine a journey with us in this capacity, please reach out.

We also appreciate your support in telling us where we should consider commissioning new public art via this survey. We also continue to seek and tap into your love + feedback on Instagram.

I can’t wait to look back at the end of this year, 2023, and witness the evolution of artists and community co-creating thanks to your participation.

With Gratitude,

Kate Gilbert, Executive Director