Invest in the Power of Community

Whether you pass a soaring installation in the Prudential Center, a vibrant mural in Grove Hall or a gorgeous handcrafted wooden cabinet in the Boston Common, you see public art embodying the best of who we are and who we can be. It pushes us to reconsider our needs and those of our fellow citizens in Boston and beyond.

Thanks to the past generous contributions of donors, created art experiences that redefine how we view, engage, and appreciate our city. And thanks to a generous donor this year, all gifts will be matched up to $10,000, so a $100 contribution becomes $200!

“[Public art] is our culture. It’s how we communicate with one another.” — Mentoring Murals visitor  

“This art being here reminds me that can connect through our creations.” — Ambrosia visitor

“It’s our life’s work, it’s a way we document who’s been here and it’s a part of history, our story.” — artist Rob “Problak” Gibbs describing Mentoring Murals

We hope you will consider investing in community-uniting public artworks that bring people of diverse racial, socio-economic, and life experiences together in neighborhoods across Boston.

Header photo by Dominic Chavez (c).