
Local Artists Making Their Mark

Local Artists Making Their Mark

At Now + There, our mission is to foster artists and the public to co-create bold public art experiences that open minds, conversations, and spaces across Boston. This summer three BOS artists are making their mark on the city we all know and love with their reflective and creative projects popping up all over Boston.



We caught up with the four local artists who make up Cohort Five of the Accelerator Program: Krystle Brown, Eben Haines, Tanya Nixon-Silberg, and Ponnapa Prakkamakul. They are all bees-y developing artworks for Boston. Here’s what they absorb as they plan, prep, and build their way to transforming 25K into four BIG projects for YOU to see/touch this summer!  

Accelerator Cohort Five: At The Ready

Accelerator Cohort Five: At The Ready

Four local artists, Krystle Brown, Eben Haines, Tanya Nixon-Silberg, and Ponnapa Prakkamakul, are each receiving $25,000 to make their ideas BIG and bring them to Boston in the summer of 2023! Cohort Five will work with a range of media, from installation to puppetry, painting, and performance, while engaging the tight-knit communities connected or living near their temporary art installations.