social practice

Art in Service: Quality

Art in Service: Quality

Maggie Cavallo wrestles with the thorny issue of addressing quality in socially engaged art in this guest post, the third in our four-part series Art in Service with Big Red & Shiny and Alter Projects.

The Big Bowl of Sunshine at Lawn on D

In an art town as small as Boston, worlds often collide. Recently N+T’s own Kate Gilbert sat down with fellow SMFA alum Thomas Stevenson to discuss his latest project, “Living Room”, commissioned by theLawn on D at Gilbert’s suggestion. The following is an excerpt of the conversation between artist and curator about how “Living Room” came to be, about fear in public spaces, and about learning to be flexible when you come upon big rocks in your tiny sandbox.

Where's the Art?

In the discussion of place-making and art-in-the-public-realm it often seems like the philosophies and interests of artists are left in the shadows.  We think a lot about this at Now and There and wonder: where's the art? and where are artists when public art is planned? 

We're pulling together artists Cedric DouglasMegan McMillanLiz Nofziger and architect Rob Trumbour ofArtforming to talk about the definitions of public art and what we can do to support more of it in our communities.

We hope you'll join us May 6, 5:30–7pm for Where's the Art? exploring the spectrum of social art practices.