Guide Reflections on the Common

On Wed, Sept 22, we opened Janet Zweig’s newest artwork What Do We Have In Common in Boston Common and what a week it’s been since then! We are lucky to have 12 Guides who steward the project and who facilitate conversations with the public as part of the project.

The Guides are discovering what they have in common with visitors from Michigan, Utah and Atlanta. They’re getting  protips on everything from film to art to theater to restaurant recommendation and even Winnie the Pooh. One young visitor insisted that Mother Nature owns the sun (in response to “Who owns the sun?”) and received a children’s book of the same title from the Giving Library. 

Have you had your own conversations and met the Guides yet? Have answers or suggestions of your own? Share your thoughts below and tag us on social media with #InCommonBOS.

Header photo provided by Faith Ninivaggi(c).